Qubino Flush 1D Relay ZMNHND - device is dropping

i use Qubino Flush 1D Relay ZMNHND
The issue is that when i call toggle/on/off multiple times, device went “offline” - its status within Z-Wave JS UI goes to red…

When i execute ping command via Z-Wave JS UI it got online again…

Any idea what is that?

Also i can see the firmware is 4.0, i have other similar relay with firmware 4.1. Is it possible to upgrade fw via Z-Wave JS UI?


Ask Qubino service for a firmware file, they are very supportive. I have had very good experience with them. Got my firmware files within 24hours. :wink:

@BebeMischa thanks.
is there some specific procedure how to flash that file into the mentioned device?

also not sure on that:
