Query string in Homeassistant URL in mobile application

Hello. Im facing problem with browser-mod and wallpanel i described fully here.

So long-story-short i need to start my wallpanel screensaver only on one of my devices. This device is using homeassistant app. I have found that easiest way could be to use query parameter allowed by wallpanel and described like:

Set enabled to false in your dashboard configuration.

  enabled: false

Add a query string to the URL to activate on a device: http://hass:8123/lovelace/default_view?wp_enabled=true

But on my fire tablet browser version of homeassistant works very slow. Im forced to use fully kiosk and mobile application.

So is there any way to add constant uri parameter/query string into homeassistant URL that is opening in webview in homeassistant application? I tried to do it in “Homeassistant URL” in application settings, but it looks like app is just removing everything after ? . Do you have any ideas?

Hi Kamil,

I have exactly the same problem. Companion App is removing the URI and I want to pass exactly what you are. Did you get an answer?


I run an older version of the HA app on an old Nexus tablet, and there adding a URL parameter works just fine. However on a newer Lenovo tablet I run the latest companion version, and that seems to delete URL parameters (would in my case be needed to force a BrowserID for browser_mod plugin…).
No clue why that was removed…