Using (docker on ubuntu) and using the caddy plugin for remote access. I have caddy proxying several subdomains internally on my network that I don’t want accessible from the outside world. In order to have caddy proxy these, I needed to create cnames in my registrar pointing to my public IP.
All works well - but I don’t want these other subs externally accessible. I’d like to restrict to 192.168.1.x IPs which can be done with caddy via the filter syntax, but I can’t figure out the syntax when configuring via the caddy plugin in hass. for Example, I want to continue to allow in from externally, but not (only from 192.x.x.x addresses)
here is the caddy config, but it’s not JSON formatted and not sure how the configuration in HASS converts to the caddyfile.
Anyone else come across this?