Question about Canvas Gauge Cards

I’ve been playing with Custom Gauge Cards, which is such a cool graphical addition to HA, and am having trouble getting my gauge’s “dial in” (so to speak).

As you can see in this picture, the download is at 812.20 but the gauge shows as under 800. Basically the gauge never matches the actual value. Also, I’m not sure how to adjust the shadow bar (it shows between 0 and about 100).

I looked at the plugin docs as well as Canvas Gauges and can’t seem to find anything to help me see what to adjust to fix the needle and adjust the shaded area.

If anyone has used this add-on I would love some assistance!


Try adding to the config

  maxValue: 2000
  minValue: 0

That is already in there, as shown in the screen shot.

Is the shift caused by a poor scale distribution?
All points are divided into 200 units and the last one is 400.

YES! Good catch, I didn’t notice that and that seems to bring the needle back to where it should be now! Thank you for catching that!

Still not sure how to adjust the shading.

I use a translator so I don’t know if we think of the same thing.
Try this example

    - color: 'rgba(200, 50, 50, .75)'
      from: 200
      to: 600
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Thank you Pepe, that did the trick!