Question about command_webview

Hello folks,
Can someone please help me understand about one automation that I’m trying to do?

When the alarm change change to “pending”, I want to send to my tablet to turn on the screen and open a specific path.

This will turn on the screen

service: notify.mobile_app_mobile_tablet_lr
  message: command_screen_on

And this command will successfully open in the app the correct dashboard.

service: notify.mobile_app_mobile_tablet_lr
  message: command_webview
    command: /lovelace/ultron

If the app is already open, I cannot move to another dashboard, like if later I try to send this command:

service: notify.mobile_app_mobile_tablet_lr
  message: command_webview
    command: /dashboard-heat-system

Will not execute anything, but if I run this command without the previous webview, it work correct. (so its not an issue of incorrect path)

Do we have another way to move between dashboard when the app is already open?

Thank you all for the help

I’m experiencing the same issue: command_webview opens and switches to the correct view only if the app isn’t open. But once it’s been opened, sending the same command only opens the app, but no longer switches the view/dashboard. The only fix is to kill the app completely before sending the command again. Tested this on two devices (Pixel 5a/FireHD).

Did you ever find a solution/workaround for this?

weird on my Pixel 7 pro the dashboard changes regardless of the app being open or not, every single time.

Last night I updated homeassistant to the latest version and then after a restart it briefly worked. But after a short while it stopped working again. It’s very odd, since it clearly works in some cases (e.g. app was force stopped), so it can’t be down to what the server is sending. It’s most likely some unexpected behaviour inside the app that fails to switch to the view if the app is already running (or is suspended). Are there any app related logs I could check?

Aha, clearing the data and cache on the android app has resolved this issue. Let’s hope it stays this way.