Question about groups of devices

A quick question on groups of devices.

I’ve put my wife’s and my phones into a group and want to trigger lights coming on if we come home (as detected by my router)

If I use this trigger

platform: state
entity_id: group.parents_phones
from: ‘not_home’
to: ‘home’

Does it require just one device to come home and ALL devices to come home? I really just want either device to trigger it instead of writing two automations, one for each device.

Conversely I want to turn lights off when ALL the devices in that group are not home.

Device tracking works the way you want.
When one of the members enter home, group turns ‘home’, and only when everyone lefts, it turns ‘not_home’

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Great, thank you for clarifying.

In all the automations I’ve read through it appears that’s what everyone else was doing but you know how sometimes you’re just not sure so you have to ask.

You’re welcome :wink: