Perhaps it’s me being thick (which I’ll happily accept ), but could somebody ELI5 what the purpose is of the hyphen at various points in a jinja2 template please?
Firstly, lots of people have
value_template: >-
in their configs, but I never put the hyphen in and it works fine.
And then I’ve seen all variations of:
{%- if x == y -%} #hyphens at both ends
{%- elif g == h %} #hyphen only at the start
and various others, and none of it seems to make a bit of difference.
{% if x == y %}
Works fine.
I’ve looked at the jinja2 page, and tbh it was a bit overwhelming and I didn’t really understand it. It was talking about striping out whitespace, so you would think it would be fairly important in our yaml files. In the example on the page it suggest that it would be the difference between a template rendering:
value_template: 176
The latter obviously wouldn’t work if I manually typed it, but my templates all work fine without the hyphens.
So, satisfy an old man’s curiosity, what are they for?
Is it that homeassistant is clever enough to remove the whitespace from a templated entry anyway, so they’re redundant, but people use them out of good practice, or am I just fluking my way through life?