Question about iFTT and Telegram


i’m trying to send a notification each time my wife makes a calender appointment in google calendar
as you might understand this is a very important flow to have…

currently i’m at a loss at the IFTTT intergration and i hope you guys could help me solve it:

first i’ve added IFTTT to Home Assistant and created an automation as stated by the howto on the Home Assistant website

now over to the ifttt side i’ve created a new applet “if new google event was created then webhook”

now i don’t know what i need to enter at the webhook field here is the example:

i need to turn that around to send a message to:

Screenshot 2022-07-29 at 00.10.39

now it need to be converted to:

New Event has been created with the title: {{Title}} and the date {{Starts}}


{ “action”: “telegram_bot”, “service”: “send_message”, “entity_id”: "New Event has been created with the title: {{Title}} and the date {{Starts}} " }

but that doesnt work…

anyone have a tip?

Did anyone read this ? or is this just not possible?