Question about rhasspy and home assistant automations

I’m very intrigued by the offline voice control and so I’ve been reading the readthedocs site for rhasspy and I got to usage and saw the example automation.
So if I understand this correctly I need to make an automation for every possible thing that I could want to control with voice?

Every possible color of each color light, every state of every thing home assistant can control in my house?

I just want to make sure I am reading this right because there is no way I’m jumping into this if I have to write hundreds of automations. I simply don’t have the time.

You only have to create an automation per event/intent you create in sentences.
Per event a template can be create with slots, with slots existing of your available colors

See my demo here:
That demo is not for lights, but you might find it useful anyway.

Also check this tutorial

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