I have few of old edimax access-points in my home network, they have simple web interface which requires login
their main page URL is something like this:
example of web page after login:
I want to automate some stuff there (i.e. restart them in some occasions from HA). It requires pressing some menu and buttons from main page to access it.
problem is when i first try to access it in chrome (or any other browser) it pops up a window of login user/password, see pic
I tried to use the browserless addon internal web site to try to access it, but it gets access error.
not sure how it can capture this login prompt and input the user/password from browserless, it seems not part of HTML page but some built in access feature from the browser
With curl I can use -u user:pwd but I’m getting an html page with empty frames
In chrome dev tools, i cant see in HTML where it prompts for user/password
any idea how i can debug/capture this?