Question about sensor precision (decimal places after the period)

I have an ESP8266 with a ds18b20 sensor on it. Every ten seconds it sends an MQTT message with the temperature in fahranheit. Just a number (in a string) like this: “85.24”. No problem getting Home Assistant to display the sensor:


I wanted to add more ds18b20 sensors to the hardware and I changed my ESP code to send the data in JSON format:


And in Home Assistant:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "TempProbe"
    state_topic: "ds18b20x2/temperature"
    value_template: "{{ value_json['ds0'].Temperature }}"
    force_update: true

Now the data is displayed thus:


Here’s my question. It’s the same data (84.00). Why is there a resolution difference from the raw data and the JSON data, and can I control it?