Question about Tesla Integration - charger switch entity

Am I correct in assuming the “charger switch” entity that gets added as part of this integration should turn on whenever the vehicle is actually charging and off when it’s not? Ever since I’ve installed this integration for my model 3 this switch is always off and if I turn it on it will turn itself off in a few seconds. Something doesn’t seem right with it unless I’m missing something.

Just found this after digging a bit and I’m wondering if it’s the fix I’m looking for.

Hi, I think its a SWITCH, so you need the cable to be plugged in, then if this SWITCH is OFF it will not charge, if SWOTCH is ON it will charge. SO at least I understood. Very helpful with automation (for example charge between 2am and 6am, and stop charge at 75% for example). But of course the cable needs to be there phisically