Question about Utility_meter component

I just saw the Utility_meter component, and had a question about how it works. I have a Rainforest eagle device that reads meter data from my PG&E smart meter. The eagle gives me two readings: Current Meter value, and Current consumption. the two numbers look like this:

Current Meter value: 26069.077 kWh
Current consumption: 500W

The consumption value fluctuates up and down, obviously as I use more/less power. The current meter value simply continually counts up as kWh are used. Which of these should I use for the sensor input? is the utility_meter component smart enough to use a rate function to determine the value of consumption, or does it simply do a subtraction of two values at the end of the day/month to find out what’s been used? The documentation doesn’t make this clear, so I’m not sure what value to use. My guess is that I should use the running total kWh value, but I’d like to know if someone else has more knowledge of this.


You would use the kWh value.
If you only had the W value, you would use the Integration Sensor component to integrate the watts into watt hours or kilowatt hours then feed that into the Utility Meter.

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Thanks! That’s what I assumed, just wanted to double check

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I do not want to open another similar topic so I will use this one.

I have 2 automated electric valves behind watermeter, one to the swimming pool, second one to irrigation system. Would it be possible to measure two separated values based on the status of valves (open is either one or second, never both in one time) from one watermeter?