Question about zwave smoke detector integration


I own a Popp 009402 smoke detector, and I was able to include it into HomeAssistant. However, I’m confused about how to use it as a source for automation.

This is what’s being exposed:

I have multiple questions:

  • It exposes a sensor “Smoke Detector Sensor” which is currently in state “Off” (=“uit”). Does this means no smoke is detected, or smoke detection is disabled? I hope it’s the first one, to be honest.
  • What does “Smoke Detector Smoke” means and why does it has a value of 254?

According to the manual:

"In case smoke is detected by the smoke detector the device will sound and the wireless module will issue a Z-Wave alarm command to the main controller and other associated devices. "

How do I use this Z-Wave alarm in my automation? Is the same as “Smoke Detector Sensor” switching to “on”, or am I mistaken (related to my first question obviously)?

I would be interested in answers to these as well if did get any?

Never got any answers to this. I wish stuff like this was a bit more clear, we are talking about the safety of our house here :frowning:

I also have 2 of these since yesterday, and was wondering the same… Indeed you would expect some decent documentation (at least on the zwave level) with these kind of products, but alas…

I haven’t yet been able to verify it, but based on what I have read on Z-Wave - Home Assistant I have a theory (aka guess) about what most of it means (when I say testing below I mean I have pushed the test button a few times and made the siren go off via the switch :slight_smile: ):

Devices that support the Binary Sensor command class will create one (or more) entities starting with binary_sensor . For example, if the node is door_sensor then the binary sensor entity will be binary_sensor.door_sensor .
These will normally be on when the sensor is active, otherwise they will be off . Some devices use on for closed, and some use on for open, and some devices allow you to change how they report.

So I guess the binary sensor “Smoke Detector Sensor” is the easy way to tell if the alarm is going off (as it seems to toggle also when using the test button or manually activating the siren - but need some more experimentation to make sure)

Devices (usually sensors) that support the Alarm command class will create entities starting with sensor , and with some generic suffixes, and a suffix that relates to the supported alarm class. For example, the smoke detector lounge will have an entity sensor.lounge_smoke , and possibly also sensor.lounge_alarm_type and sensor.lounge_alarm_level . If the device creates a binary_sensor entity, it is recommended to use that rather then the sensor entity.

This further reinforces the idea that the binary sensor and the alarm level/alarm type have an overlapping purpose. However, neither level nor type have so far changed during my testing, so maybe they only indicate an actual smoke alarm, not a test. type seems to be used for the kind of alarm (see page linked above), eg 2 for smoke, level details the alarm a bit more (again, see the zwave entities page for more)
the sensors that end in smoke and burglar I guess are then the alarm_level sensor for the smoke senor and the tamper detection (when you remove the device from it’s baseplate) respectively. No clue about what the values mean exactly - as 254 is unkwnon event according to the entities page, and one of them has been on 0, 2 and 254 during testing (but I didn’t monitor these during quick testing, so not sure what state they correspond to).

sourcenodeid : Reports the sensor that generated the alarm - this is only valid for Zensor Net based devices

Wild guess: if you link up two or more of them ,so they all go off without a controller when one goes off, it reports which node has the actual alarm?

In the logic above, the system sensor should then also be an alarm level, but it doesn’t seem to correspond to what is listed for that on the entities page, as “1” is hardware failure, but it seems unlikely we all have failed devices :slight_smile: Maybe it is an indication for the 10 year battery, and will change when that is nearing it’s end? The battery level reported by the device is the battery in the z-wave module, not tthe detector itself, according to the manual.

Would be interested if anyone can verify or contradict these guesses, or if anyone already tried contacting the manufacturer and asking for more detail?

Does this Smoke alarm also expose a “switch” to control the siren independently?

Yes, it does!

It seems the relevant entities are the siren switch, the binary sensor (enables when pressing test + when you remove the device from it’s base!) + the tamper sensor (goes to 3 when removing it from it’s base) + the battery sensor. When you actively query the sensors or a zwave init happens, they go to 254; so I consider that as “unknown”. The binary sensor doesn’t go on when you activate the siren manually (and when you linkt o via zwave switching one’s siren on doesn’t automatically switch the other one’s on, but they do both go off when pressing test).
The system and smoke multilevel sensors so far haven’t changed, but they may do so when actual smoke is detected or the 10year battery expires - I can’t test that.

All the other entities can seemingly be ignored( sourcenode, alarm level, alarm type).

Hi at all,
Ive got the same smoke detectors.
Ive got notification working, but in the product description the detectors would send an broadcast into the z-wave network, and all other smoke detectors would alarm too.
But this doesnt work at me.
What make i wrong, i hope, anybody can help me.
Thank you very much!
Best regards Bonkersdeluxe