Question: automation event data processing from wyze_camera_event

I have the hacs wyze integration installed (GitHub - JoshuaMulliken/ha-wyzeapi: Home Assistant Integration for Wyze devices.), and it produces wyze_camera_event events when camera motion is detected, albeit not reliably and sometimes significant latency (because polling is used), but question is not on that problem but rather on processing the event data. I can get the automation to trigger on a specific camera by device_name, but I haven’t figure out how trigger on an item in tag_list, specifically 101 (101=person, it could be 101, 102, 103, 104 and can be one or more in the list). I haven’t been able to find anything in searching on processing lists in event data. Any help would be appreciated.

event_type: wyze_camera_event
  device_name: Pan
  device_mac: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    - person
    - person
    - 101
  event_screenshot: >-
  event_video: >-
origin: LOCAL
time_fired: "2022-10-19T21:55:25.458738+00:00"
  id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  parent_id: null
  user_id: null

in automation at moment without tag list processing

  - platform: event
    event_type: wyze_camera_event
      device_name: Pan
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