Question for Honeywell Total Connect Comfort app users

Posting here as there are more knowledgeable people here than with Honeywell (and they might not notice if they aren’t linking to home automation and looking at the details).
I have a few thermostats linked from HTCC into HA with the built-in integration, and everything works fine. Aside from wanting more frequent updates, that all works good.

Communication between the thermostats and the app is also working fine-ish. (updates on the thermostat like changing the target temp show up in the app within 15 seconds. Vice versa, an update in the app shows up on the thermostat within 30 seconds. Not great, but manageable. My thermostats are TH8100’s without wiring, so they wirelessly talk to the furnace and the redlink box, which explains some of that lag.).
But here’s the issue. I have my thermostats set to circulate the fan. So it’s on 35% of the time.
And sometimes, the hvac_action reflects fan (or heat). But most of the time it’s idle (in the app).
So the thermostats are not consistently sending their HVAC action status to the app. This morning one said the fan was on for 4 hours. Even though it’s only on roughly 35% of the time. And a chunk of that time it was heating instead of just running the fan.
So question to other HTCC users out there. Are your thermostats updating the app in a timely manner with their hvac_action? (ie, heat/cool/fan/idle)?
Is this an issue in my setup (just got installed 2 weeks ago), or is this a systemic issue with Honeywell?
Here’s a pretty picture showing the issue:

The spikes are the furnace fan cycle running (120-145 Watts). They should correlate with one of the two thermostats saying they are running the fan. But as you can see there’s hardly any correlation.
(To note, HA thermostat status matches what’s in the Honeywell app. So it’s not an integration issue, it’s on the Honeywell side. HA just makes it easier to visualize. I’m looking to see if other users see something similar)

Thanks for any feedback.

I’ve been using the integration for a few years. I, and others, have had some stability issues (search these forums and GitHub). I have not experienced the exact issue you have but others might. I know @CaptTom is a user who might be able to add to this thread.

I haven’t seen that particular issue. Could it be a poor connection to Honeywell? Or maybe rete-limiting?

There should be log entries in HA if the communication between HA and the Honeywell servers is failing. I get occasional errors like this:

2023-10-23 14:38:43.413 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update of climate.1st_floor is taking over 10 seconds

And every once in a while, something like this:

2023-10-23 14:39:03.409 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Updating honeywell climate took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:30

Anyway, search the log for “climate” and “honeywell.” These may give you a clue.

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Like I said, it’s not an issue with the integration. The Honeywell app (Honeywell Home - My Total Connect Comfort) matches what I see in HA.

It’s an issue with the thermostats not reporting their active hvac_action status to the Honeywell app.

But it sounds like you guys are not seeing that, so I’ll have to talk to my contractor to see if there’s anything on my end, or follow up on my case with Honeywell (resideo), which they just closed as completed… Sigh.

My thermostats are wired. Can you wire yours to see if that helps?

No. At least… not easily.
When we bought this house it had just a single zone. With the new furnace we had dampers added so we were able to split it into 4 zones. But no real way to get thermostat wires to any of the new locations.
HVAC contractor is coming by today to add the last 2 zones. (one of which will be wired, but only with R/C for power. Communication to the EIM will still be wireless). I’ll see if adding the wired power makes that one report better.

Have all four thermostats up and running now, and had to factory reset the internet gateway and re-add all the thermostats. And that seems to have done the trick. Here’s a current view which shows that when the furnace is running, there is an overlapping fan demand. (plus a 1-minute heat demand when I turned the thermostats back to heat. But it lines up perfectly with what the thermostats are saying and what the app shows)
So maybe the factory reset of the gateway fixed the issues? Who knows…

Hopefully this stays in sync going forward.

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Of course…the old factory reset. I always forget about trying that first :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for reporting back! Always good to hear how something worked out.