I’ve got the following in the ‘homeassistant:’ section of my configuration.yaml file. HA restarts fine, no errors, etc. However, when I go to Settings → System → General the data is not set and I have to set it manually. Shouldn’t it read it from configuration.yaml?
name: Home
latitude: !secret latitude
longitude: !secret longitude
elevation: !secret elevation
unit_system: imperial
temperature_unit: F
currency: USD
time_zone: "America/Chicago"
#customize: !include customize.yaml
country: US
Understood that I can remove it from configuration yaml… just wondering why it wasn’t showing up in the front end if I have it configured there. Not a big deal, just don’t understand the purpose of it if you have to enter it in the GUI anyways.
I believe the location of the data has changed. It’s now stored off in the .storage/core.config file. So this yaml config is ignored and can be removed