Hi everyone, new to Home Assistant and was wondering what the best way to do something like this. I have a group of window/door sensors on my refrigerator/freezer doors. Basically if any of the sensors are open for more than 5 mins I want a notification sent to my notification group. I am not getting any notifications even when testing and leaving one of the doors open. This is my first automation with multiple entities so I am wondering if I did this right based on what I found in the documentation.
`alias: Fridge/Freezer Open (5 min)
description: ""
- platform: state
- binary_sensor.refrigerator_left_contact
- binary_sensor.stand_up_freezer_contact
- binary_sensor.refrigerator_right_contact
- binary_sensor.upstairs_freezer_contact
- binary_sensor.downstairs_freezer_contact
- binary_sensor.downstairs_refrigerator_contact
from: "off"
to: "on"
hours: 0
minutes: 5
seconds: 0
condition: []
- service: notify.notificationgroup
message: The {{ trigger.to_state.name }} has been open for 5 minutes!
title: Fridge/Freezer Alert
color: Red
notification_icon: mdi:fridge-alert
interruption-level: critical
mode: single