Question on ZigBee

I have started setting up Home Assistant for the first time. I have an existing config on another product that just hasn’t been reliable.
My config setup is simple. I used the RPI installer script to set everything up for me on an RPI v2.
I have also been using a rooted Wink hub to act as my connection to ZigBee and Z-Wave. I want to move away from that. I have an Aeon Z-Wave usb adapter - got it set up with minimal effort.

I also have an Xbee S2 (with the ZB API firmware loaded). I have it connected via USB to my RPI but really, the question is how to configure the multiple lightbulbs (Cree Connected) bulbs I have to the Xbee module? I’m assuming, rightly or wrongly, that I need to configure all the devices onto the ZigBee network first, then HASS will see them?

How has others done this, or have others done this. Any help would be appreciated!

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Ok, I figured out how to get my Xbee S2 to allow my light bulbs to join its network and in XCTU I can see the bulbs. However, I’m not sure how they are configured in configuration.yaml, specifically the pin value. I’ve tried several values to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.
From the log:
Jun 7 07:18:35 raspberrypi hass[4276]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: service_call_id=3052778256-7, domain=homeassistant, service=turn_on, service_data=entity_id=light.desk_light>
Jun 7 07:18:35 raspberrypi hass[4276]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: service_call_id=3052778256-8, domain=light, service=turn_on, service_data=entity_id=[‘light.desk_light’]>
Jun 7 07:18:40 raspberrypi hass[4276]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event zigbee_frame_received[L]: frame=gAN9cQAoWAgAAABmcmFtZV9pZHEBQwEEcQJYBwAAAGNvbW1hbmRxA0MCRDJxBFgQAAAAc291cmNlX2FkZHJfbG9uZ3EFQwjiDbn//gFmtnEGWAsAAABzb3VyY2VfYWRkcnEHQwL//nEIWAIAAABpZHEJWBIAAAByZW1vdGVfYXRfcmVzcG9uc2VxClgGAAAAc3RhdHVzcQtoAnUu>
Jun 7 07:18:40 raspberrypi hass[4276]: WARNING:homeassistant.components.zigbee:Transmission failure when attempting to set output pin on ZigBee device at address: b’e20db9fffe0166b6’

Did you have any further luck getting your setup working with your Cree bulbs? I’m about to try to create a similar setup, but like you am confused how to setup everything in configuration.yaml.

I go them working with a wemo hub. I would still rather use the xbee to turn them on and off but I can’t seem to make it work.

I have a Smartthings hub that I currently have my zigbee bulbs connected to, but like you I was hoping to try to get it working with just an xbee. I’ll reply here if I happen to get it working, but from what I’ve read it looks like most people do use an intermediate hub of some kind.

Any luck with this apogeecmb? I too have been looking more into this and just can’t get it to work yet. I can see the lightbulbs from XCTU, it implies it has joined my Zigbee network but when I attempt to control it, it says not joined to network. Weird.

anything further on this? I’ve been working on getting my XStick working but am just getting errors in HASS related to the address of the sensor/device (not the radio but a motion sensor).

I haven’t gotten any further. I can see the bulbs with my xbee and the Digi software, but can’t control them.

how did you get them to join the network in xctu? I can scan from xctu and see some devices then I used the address of those devices in the configuration.yaml file. Just not sure if the scan is including them in the network or not.

Sorry it took so long to reply. When you reset the zigbee device it will automatically join the network that you set up with your control device on XCTU. When they show up in the map, you can see they are part of the network.

Has ANYONE been able to control a lightbulb with Zigbee and a controller? I have mostly given up at this point.

I basically gave up as well as I couldn’t really find anything that really showed it working.