Hello everyone,
Im wondering few things since i installed room-assistant, and im here for help and advise.
Im running room-assistant in a docker container, this is my config:
instanceName: nano-room
- homeAssistant
- bluetoothClassic
- bluetoothLowEnergy
mqttUrl: 'mqtt://'
username: nano
password: nanonano
discoveryPrefix: homeassistant
maxDistance: 3
updateFrequency: 0
- 50:3D:C6:7F:E3:8B
- C0:6B:55:E6:B3:EF
maxDistance: 3
updateFrequency: 0
instanceBeaconEnabled: false
- E8DB17521BBE
my questions are:
- is there a way to make the update of the status of the bluetooth device faster?
- i have my bluetooth dongle in a usb extention mostly in the middle of the room (my pc is hide in a closet) and im using a mi band 6 for the low energy part, but when i go a little far to the wall, im out of the room (for the room-assistant) plus if i put my band under a pillow, Im out too
- what would you improve in this config?
- how i know what version of room-assistant Im running (i bet is the last release for docker, if this help in anything)?
Thanks everyone and i hope someone can answer