Someone in Discord (I think) turned me on to adding this as a resource:
customElements.whenDefined("ha-quick-bar").then(() => {
const fireEvent = (node, type, detail, options) => {
options = options || {};
detail = detail === null || detail === undefined ? {} : detail;
const event = new Event(type, {
bubbles: options.bubbles === undefined ? true : options.bubbles,
cancelable: Boolean(options.cancelable),
composed: options.composed === undefined ? true : options.composed,
event.detail = detail;
return event;
const navigate = (path, replace = false) => {
if (replace) {
history.replaceState(null, "", path);
} else {
history.pushState(null, "", path);
fireEvent(window, "location-changed", {
const haQuickBar = customElements.get("ha-quick-bar");
haQuickBar.prototype._generateServerControlCommandsDefault = haQuickBar.prototype._generateServerControlCommands;
haQuickBar.prototype._generateServerControlCommands = function() {
let commands = [
text: "Navigate to Overview",
icon: "mdi:view-dashboard",
action: () => navigate("/lovelace"),
text: "Navigate to Integrations",
icon: "mdi:puzzle",
action: () => navigate("/config/integrations"),
text: "Navigate to States",
icon: "mdi:code-tags",
action: () => navigate("/developer-tools/state"),
text: "Navigate to Services",
icon: "mdi:remote",
action: () => navigate("/developer-tools/service"),
text: "Navigate to Template",
icon: "mdi:file-code",
action: () => navigate("/developer-tools/template"),
text: "Navigate to Events",
icon: "mdi:radio-tower",
action: () => navigate("/developer-tools/event"),
text: "Navigate to Lovelace Dashboards",
icon: "mdi:view-dashboard",
action: () => navigate("/config/lovelace/dashboards"),
text: "Navigate to Lovelace Resources",
icon: "mdi:cog-box",
action: () => navigate("/config/lovelace/resources"),
text: "MQTT",
icon: "mdi:cog-box",
action: () => navigate("/config/mqtt"),
return [...commands, ...this._generateServerControlCommandsDefault()];
Customize as required, stick it in config/www/commands.js, and add this to your resources:
- url: /local/commands.js?v=1
type: module
Edit: It was the incomparable @dale3h!