Quick Look Mobile Dashboard

Here it is, you can now update to v2.0.0 to get a dark mode, an enhanced header with badge counters and a wider range of pre-designed cards.

Breaking changes : If you’re already using v1, please note that a fresh installation of the new v2 is required. I recommend keeping your existing setup while installing this dashboard alongside it for a seamless transition.


Thanks for the new version, the dashboard is really easy to use and modify. Thank you, it’s great work!

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I absolutely adore the style and implementation of your dashboard; it’s truly outstanding work. I would greatly appreciate it if, similar to the Mushroom dashboard, there was an option to edit it using an editor instead of a YAML file.

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Thanks @Noah for the feedback, I appreciate it. Yeah, just like you, I’d really like to make this dashboard easier to use by incorporating a graphical user interface for dashboard configuration instead of YAML editing. However, I don’t really feel confident (at my skill level) to develop an integration at the moment, but I hope this project will attract other contributors and make the GUI a reality. :slightly_smiling_face:



I like this very much, so I started to create my own setup based on this.

I started with the security part and have a question:

A number of my rooms have multiple (door/windows) contact sensors
I use the yaml code below:

          - type: custom:button-card # ENTITY 09
            template: security # or choose 'security_expandable'
              name: Hal
              contact: binary_sensor.voordeur_sensor_open
              occupancy: input_boolean.hal_in_gebruik
              lock: lock.nuki_voordeur_lock
              contact_battery: binary_sensor.voordeur_battery_low
              lock_battery: sensor.nuki_voordeur_battery

How do I add multiple contact sensors? For a room to be ‘safe’ all contact sensors have to be closed.

Thanks for your effort en help.

Best regards,

Hello, the ‘security’ template only accepts a single contact entity but the trick to accomplish your goal would therefore be to follow the following steps:

  1. Creation of a “group helper” through the home assistant settings UI : grouping all “contact” entities from the same room into a single entity which could be called “binary_sensor.group_hal_deurs”.
  2. Fill in this new entity in your “2.1_security_sensors.yaml” view as follows:
  - type: custom:button-card # ENTITY 09
     template: security_expandable
       name: Hal
       contact: binary_sensor.group_hal_deurs
       occupancy: input_boolean.hal_in_gebruik
       lock: lock.nuki_voordeur_lock
       contact_battery: binary_sensor.voordeur_battery_low
       lock_battery: sensor.nuki_voordeur_battery
       expand_to: security_sensors_hal

As soon as a single door or window belonging to the group switches to ‘on’ state, the card will display an open door alert but will not specify the exact open door. To access this information, I would replace the “security” template with “security_expandable” template which will allow you to open a “subview” listing each entity of the room in the form of individual cards.

  1. Therefore, this “subview” should be created as follows: “/dashboards/quick_look_mobile/views/expanded/2.1.1_security_sensors_hal.yaml”
title: security_sensors_hal
path: security_sensors_hal
icon: mdi:cctv
theme: Quick Look Mobile
background: 'var(--theme)'
type: custom:grid-layout
  margin: -0.5vh 1vh 0vh
  grid-template-columns: auto
  grid-template-rows: 19.5vh 7.5vh 50vh 4vh 10vh 9vh
  grid-template-areas: |
  - type: custom:button-card # HEADER
      grid-area: header
    template: header
      view: 'security'
  - type: custom:button-card # SUBHEADER
      grid-area: subheader
    template: subheader_1
      subheader_1_title: Sensors #can be changed
      subheader_1_path: security_sensors
      subheader_2_title: Cameras #can be changed
      subheader_2_path: security_cameras
  - type: custom:button-card # CHEVRON-LEFT
      grid-area: subheader
    icon: mdi:chevron-left
    color: var(--chevron-color)
    size: 65%
        - background: transparent
        - box-shadow: none
        - border-radius: 50%
        - height: 4.6vh
        - width: 4.6vh
        - left: 82vw
        - top: 0.9vh
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: 'security_sensors'
  - type: custom:layout-card # MAIN
      grid-area: main
    layout_type: custom:vertical-layout
      height: 50vh
      margin: 0vh 0vh 0vh
      padding: 0vh 0.4vh
      - type: custom:button-card # TITLE
        template: title_scrollable
          title: Hal
      - type: grid
        columns: 2
        square: false
          - type: custom:button-card # ENTITY 01
            template: security
              name: Voordeur
              contact: binary_sensor.voordeur_sensor_open
              contact_battery: binary_sensor.voordeur_battery_low
          - type: custom:button-card # ENTITY 02
            template: security
              name: Achterdeur
              contact: binary_sensor.achterdeur_sensor_open
              contact_battery: binary_sensor.achterdeur_battery_low              
          - type: custom:button-card # ENTITY 03
            template: security
              name: Lock
              lock: lock.nuki_voordeur_lock
              lock_battery: sensor.nuki_voordeur_battery
          - type: custom:button-card # ENTITY 04
            template: security # or choose 'security_expandable'
              name: Presence
              occupancy: input_boolean.hal_in_gebruik
  - type: custom:button-card # FOOTER TITLE
      grid-area: footer_title
    template: title_sticky
      title: 'Alarm' #can be changed
  - type: custom:button-card # FOOTER
      grid-area: footer
    template: alarm_footer
      entity: #required alarm_control_panel.entity_id 
  - type: custom:button-card # MENU
      grid-area: menu
    template: menu

I hope this will meet your needs :slight_smile:

That did the trick :smiley:

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I’m struggeling to get it loaded. It takes forever to load, and useally the page just crashes. Anyone else had this problem?

After a lot of help from @neilimixamo disabling UI-lovelace minimalist stopped the endless loading :slight_smile:

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how did you do that

I’m sorry I meant UI Lovelace Minimalist

Is it possible to change the name of the pages, so the main header name?

Yes, you can change header main titles (Security, Home, Air, Devices, …) by changing lines 69 to 75 in


But i dont understand what you mean by changing the pages names, do you mean views yaml files ?

Yes you’re right, i meant the views. I tried it and it works. Many thanks!
Any update’s on the energy tab?

Glad I could help.

I must admit I haven’t developed the ‘Energy’ view due to a lack of inspiration, but any ideas or suggestions are welcome.

Hello there,
This is happening from the start, but I never mentioned it. The battery level sensor shows a low battery icon enough though the level is at 100%. I am noticing for 3 of the sensors I have added. This one is from an iphone device.


You’re right, I’ve updated badge_battery (v2.0.2).yaml, security (v2.0.1), security_expandable (v2.0.1) to fix a low battery icon showing when the battery is fully charged at 100%

You can also check the changelogs to see additional fixes and improvements that have been implemented since then :wink:

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Oh. I didn’t realized there were so many updates. As you may already know, my climate setup is different which required some custom coding. Since there are quite a few updates, I want to start over and slowly add each views back. When I uploaded the files without editing anything, I noticed the routines grey circles are not visible like before. Also, the light bubble is showing 57 of my lights on? I only have 2 on for the moment. This was happening with the old codes and still with the updated ones.

Update: Fixed! Arg. I have a sensor.lights_count entity prior to this dashboard install.

In the quick_look_mobile_macros.jinja, these are the codes pertaining to the light entity. Comparing with the github version, it looks the same. Not sure why it shows all of my lights on when a single light is on.

{% set light_entity_ids = [
] %}


{% macro some_lights_are_on() %}
  {% set count = namespace(value=0) %}
  {% for entity_id in light_entity_ids %}
    {% if is_state(entity_id, 'on') %}
      {% set count.value = count.value + 1 %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
  {% set state = 'off' if count.value == 0 else 'on' %}
  {{ state ~ ',' ~ count.value }}
{% endmacro %}

Testing these values in the dev tools, seems to be showing correct. Just not on the dashboard.

Glad you were able to fix the problem :+1: