Quick Shelly 1 Question

I know thisis a DUH! But I’ve learned… Ask first…

I’ve got a couple of Shelly1’s that I want to test BEFORE pulling things apart… attaching a “thing” light etc…
I’m thinking I want to use “Shelly smart home” from the community store to discover the Shelly and expose it to HA

I’m thinking that I could… using the diagram above just attach power to “I” and “L” and attach “N” to neutral to get the Shelly to power up for discovery by the smart home component… am I right



Yes, that should work fine. And if you are just wanting to power it up I do not believe you need power going to “I”.

So just the load “L” and neutral “N”…

Yes, that should be all you need to get it to power up so you can connect with the mobile app and web interface.