[Quick Tip] - Restart Hass without Rebooting

On your Hass home webpage, bring the side bar out on the left and look for the ‘Developer Tools’ at the bottom.

Click on the first icon on the left ‘Services’. From the dropdowns that appear on the right, choose:

‘homeassistant’ under ‘Domain’,

‘restart’ under ‘Service’,

then click ‘CALL SERVICE’

and that’s it!

I spent too much time yesterday mashing CTRL+C in a terminal window, hope this helps someone avoid that :wink:

The image is cropped by the chat-board but if you click it, you’ll see the icon I mean.

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There’s also a group/reload and automation/reload that allow you to reload the corresponding configuration sections without having to restart HA.


Have a script call that service and add the script to your font end. Saves some clicking and makes it quick to restart HA.

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