I developed a small Chrome extension that lets you quickly execute hass scripts.
It was actually initially written to control my Yamaha network connected receiver, but I just recently added hass support so thought I’d upload it to the chrome store and publish it, hoping it would be useful for others.
Basically all you have to do is configure your hass IP and API password.
Then you attach commands to key sequences.
For example, I’m using TON to turn on my TV.
This actually calls hass and launches a TV_ON script.
TOFF to turn the TV off, R8 to launch Kodi and play 88FM radio station and so on.
Currently the extension only supports launching scripts.
If anyone wants to help in development - please LMK.
Install Quickey from the chrome web store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/quickeys-yamaha-remote-co/jkgegggbdflhahedhddbjgmmekfefbpi