I have a QuietCool fan in my attic (DIY as a whole house fan) that is controlled with the QuietCool Smart Control (model: IT-AF-SMT). It uses Bluetooth and connects to their app (QuietCool Smart Attic Fan Control). The app can control the 2 speed fan, shows the humidity & temperature, and has a few other features. Took the plastic box apart, it uses a Esressif ESP32-WROOM-32. I would like to control it with Home Assistant, but would like to still be able to control it with the original app, in case I sell the house. I am a newbie, but have come up with the following possible options, not too sure how to do all of them, and even if they will work. Any suggestions will be helpful. Thank you.
- Use a D1 mini to a relay and wire to the high fan speed and put an external temp/humidity sensor in the attic. Then I could just turn the fans on/off or set up automation for temp.
- Somehow have the ESP32 read and controlled through ESPhome, but I think that would involve flashing the chip. Not sure if possible.
- Soldering another flashed esp32 to the corresponding spots on the board and then controlling that esp32 with ESPhome. Would have to figure out how to do that.