Quit smoking template

I tried to create a ‘quit smoking’ template and it works, but I think I can combine the two sensors codes into one code. Only I don’t know exactly how to do it.

My code:

> template:
>   - trigger:
>       - platform: time_pattern
>         # This will update every minute
>         minutes: '/1'
>     sensor:
>       # Keep track how much money I saved since I quit smoking
>       - name: Not Smoking Money Saved
>         state: >
>           {% set smoking_variables_json = {
>             "quitdate": "18.09.2021 00:00",
>             "priceperday": "9.00" | float,
>           } %}
>           {{ '€ %.2f'|format(( ( as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(strptime(smoking_variables_json.quitdate, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M")) ) / 60 * (smoking_variables_json.priceperday / 24 / 60))) }}
>       # Keep track how many days since I quit smoking
>       - name: Not Smoking Days
>         state: >
>           {% set smoking_variables_json = {
>             "quitdate": "18.09.2021 00:00",
>             "priceperday": "9.00" | float,
>           } %}
>           {{ ( ( as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(strptime(smoking_variables_json.quitdate, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M")) ) / 86400 ) | round }}
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For this application, there’s no need to use a Trigger-based Template Sensor with a Time Pattern Trigger. The template contains now() which will cause it to be evaluated every minute in a Template Sensor (i.e. without a 1-minute Time Pattern Trigger).

If you want to combine the two, make the second one report its value as an attribute of the Template Sensor.

Do you have an example?

Device Tracker sensor with Latitude and Longitude Attributes

I completely changed my template. Now It’s much shorter and optimized:

# To use variables, I use this HACS integration:
# https://github.com/Wibias/hass-variables
    value: "20.09.2021 00:00"
    value: "9.00"

  - sensor:
      # Keep track how much money I saved since I quit smoking and how many days I didn't smoke
      - name: Quit Smoking
        icon: mdi:smoking-off
        state: >
          {{ states('variable.quit_smoking_quit_date') }}
          quit_days: >
            {{ ( ( as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(strptime(states('variable.quit_smoking_quit_date'), "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M")) ) / 86400 ) | round }}
          money_saved: >
            {{ '€ %.2f'|format(( ( as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(strptime(states('variable.quit_smoking_quit_date'), "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M")) ) / 60 * (states('variable.quit_smoking_price_per_day')|float / 24 / 60))) }}

# This can be used as attribute:
# {{ state_attr('sensor.quit_smoking', 'quit_date') }}
# {{ state_attr('sensor.quit_smoking', 'money_saved') }}

# This is what I use as a card:
#- entity: sensor.quit_smoking
#  attribute: money_saved
#  icon: "mdi:currency-eur-off"
#  icon_height: 45px
#  hold_action:
#    action: none
#  tap_action:
#    action: none
#  show_icon: true
#  show_name: true
#  show_state: false
#  type: entity
#  name: "money saved:"

If you change the date’s format to something closer to the ISO standard, you can simplify the template even more (because you won’t need to use strptime).

    value: "2021-09-20 00:00"
    value: "9.00"

  - sensor:
      # Keep track how much money I saved since I quit smoking and how many days I didn't smoke
      - name: Quit Smoking
        icon: mdi:smoking-off
        state: >
          {{ states('variable.quit_smoking_quit_date') }}
          quit_days: >
            {{ (now() - as_datetime(states('variable.quit_smoking_quit_date'))|as_local).days }}
          money_saved: >
            {{ '€ %.2f'|format(((now() - as_datetime(states('variable.quit_smoking_quit_date'))|as_local).total_seconds() / 60 * (states('variable.quit_smoking_price_per_day')|float / 24 / 60))) }}


Correction. Added reference to variable.

Nice change !!

Oops! Yes, I copied that from the version I used for testing in the Template Editor and overlooked to add your variable. I’ll fix the example.