Rachio integration not working

I moved my HA across from a Pi to a VM. I restored my configuration and most things are fine but I can no longer get the Rachio Integration to work. If I add the integration and add the Rachio API key it recognizes my account and seems to add it fine but none of the entities are added to HA. I have removed and re-added the integration countless times and can login to the Rachio web interface and control everything ok.

This is the error I’m getting in my HA log files in relation to this:

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Source: helpers/network.py:117
First occurred: 12:41:53 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:41:53 AM

Error setting up entry myemailaddress.com for rachio
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/config_entries.py", line 248, in async_setup
    result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self)  # type: ignore
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/rachio/__init__.py", line 78, in async_setup_entry
    webhook_id, webhook_url = await async_get_or_create_registered_webhook_id_and_url(
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/rachio/webhooks.py", line 129, in async_get_or_create_registered_webhook_id_and_url
    webhook_url = hass.components.webhook.async_generate_url(webhook_id)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/webhook/__init__.py", line 60, in async_generate_url
    get_url(hass, prefer_external=True, allow_cloud=False),
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/network.py", line 117, in get_url
    raise NoURLAvailableError

The solution is most likely the same as it was here:

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Yes that did it. Just needed to add the external URL. Thank you.

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For me this happened after adding DuckDNS and LetsEncrypt, and started accessing through my own domain. I hope that the external_url setting is suggested as part of the DuckDNS installation notes.

It’s not specific to DuckDNS. It is listed under basic information.

Here because I’m having the same issue. I do have external_url configured and my system is reachable from the outside, but I’m hitting the same “Failed to set up” issue. Has anything changed on this front since these posts from almost 2 years ago?

Disregard - I’m trying to add Smart Hose Timers and the current integration only supports Sprinkler timers. Hope this helps someone else. I was informed that Rachio has added support for the Smart Hose Timers to their API, but there’s no HA integration as of yet (if only I’d had spare time… sigh)