I am trying to setup up and automation where the Rachio Controller will shutoff a valve when a value is reached on a soil moisture sensor.
only thing is because the switch is only an entity and I cant trigger it in automations (can only devices be triggered?) so I think I need to create a switch template but I am not really sure how to do that correctly. I tried the following code but returns this:
29 |
30 | switch:
31 | - platform: template
32 | switches:
33 | copy:
34 | value_template: "{{ is_state('switc …
Code I tried:
- platform: template
value_template: “{{ is_state(‘switch.zone_15’, ‘on’) }}”
service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.zone_15
service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.zone_15
(the code isn’t staying formatted so I included a screenshot.)
I tested it in the template editor and it seemed ok…but I still get the error.
Also IDK if its just and issue with Rachio or my configuration but I am not getting the state of the switches. If I Switch something on in the app it wont show so ON in state or the log. I do run a Pi-Hole so IDK if that could be blocking the webhooks
IDK if the template code I used the I copied from the template guide will work if it cant get the state.