Here are some of the automation I have already realized with FHEM and Raspberrymatic, all windows have Homematic sensors:
all Rollos run on automatic mode, since they work slower and more silent than when a command is executed
on weekends or when we leave the windows open at nicht, rollos are set to manual mode, so that they don’t open automatically.
I have the sun sensor connected to some of the rollos. When the internal temperature is too high, and this is measured by Raspberrymatic, I enable the sun mode on Rollotron. Rollo won’t be closed when the sun shines and is cool inside.
when windows are tilted or open, detected by Homematic sensor, rasbperrymatic sends a command to activate the Ventilating Mode.
Except for the Sun sensor, I could do everything else with the Rollos in Manual mode, but they would run on the fast and loud setting.
I do all of that in HA, in manual mode. Slower and less noisy would be great, but it depends on the hardware I think. I use many 1200 which only have one „speed setting“.
Do have one 1800 too. But decided that as I want to fully control them via HA the extra price for unneeded features (mainly display/local control features) is not worth to pay. In manual mode there‘s no difference except for the begin and end of an opening/closure where they slowly start/end the process.
Anyone else using Raspbarrymatic and pyduofern together?
It was working nice on HA, but since a couple of HA updates - I don’t know when exactly it stopped working - it seems there is a conflict between both USB Sticks.
When both are connected, Duofern doesnt work and Raspberrymatic response is slow and a lot of devices fail to communicate.
When Raspberrymatic is stopped and after restarting HA completly, pyduofern works fine, but if I start Raspberrymatic, then it’s over.
I am a very new user in HA ,switching over from fhem. I am using the DUOFERN Stick with some RolloTubes and I wanted to ask you where I can find the latest documentation how to implement the stick in HomeAssistant. Is there a HACS repository available?
I found the pyduofern in HACS and installed it. I a a little bit confused, because I need a 4 digit Hex-Code. In fhem I have installed a 6-digit Hex-Code for the RolloTube and this was the Code from the RolloTube.
Can I use this Code for my HA installation and everything works or do I have to pair my Tubes again?
thanks for the hint, but I found it, as mentioned in my post before!
I have concerns about moving the stick to the new HA environment. Currently it runs in fhem and works fine and I don’t know how to transfer it to HA without re-pairing the tubes to the stick.
I am wondering about the documentation because my code in fhem is 6 digits and not 4 digits as stated in the manual. I also understand that I need to use the hex code printed on the tube and not a random 4 digit code. So I am a little confused. Can anyone support me?
What’s the problem with re-pairing your devices once this integration is installed? If you don’t have dozens of devices it should really be fine for a single migration process. Usually takes 5 minutes per device strictly following the instructions.
i have tried to implement my DUOFERN Stick in HA, but it is not running. got an Error in the Log:
DUOFERN unknown msg: 0fff0f2c63005a1a110000000000ff49d5f2ffffff01
And in the Integrations Tab it looks like this:
anyone an idea?
The unknown message I received is a message from the tube. I saw it in fhem. It seems to b that I have to reset all the paired components and to start pairing again. Unknown therefore, because in fhem the Stick is confugured with 6 digits, which is currentley not supportet in HA. Therefore I think I cannot use the paired tube with HA, only if I will reset everything! This is what I want to avoid because the box of the tube is not easy to open.The risk is too high, that nothings runs later.
I know of nobody having tested that many devices, so I can’t say for sure. But I also don’t know how how there should be an arbitrary limit on the number of devices. Maybe its a value where the radio crosstalk between devices affects usability.
Actually the migration docs on pyduofern hacs repo says
(4 hex digits as code required, last 4 digits if migrating from FHEM, 10 digit devices are not supported as of now)
I just didn’t see sense in making a 6 digit code and forcing users to enter the always same first two digits. If only 4 digits can be chosen it’s a for digit code. So the first two digits of the FHEM code are hardcoded in HASS.