Rademacher Homepilot in Home Assistant

Maybe this is of interest for some people who have a homepilot and also the rademacher Addz ZigBee stick.

I did just try to use it as a ZigBee dongle on my ds220+ HA installation with ZHA and it is working without any bigger issue.
I was able to pair a Aqara PIR sensor and a Miboxer led controler which was of course not possible via homepilot.

I will write a more detailed post about it.

@fedot @tweefo
Yesterday I got and installed my Homepilot premium gateway. and got frustrated as well. Neither the HACS integration nor fedot’s great description made me accessing the gateway.
Today morning I managed to detect the new URI used in the new gateway:

Please notice the/hp that got added.

I will now try to follow fedot’s description to get my shutter working. and keep you posted.

@fedot many many thanks for your excellent recipe :pray::pray: :slight_smile:

it worked 100% for my Homepilot Premium Gateway after I changed the URI to http://homepilot-gateway-IP/hp/devices

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for anyone with the new homepilot premium bridge.

This is my new way to access position of the belt winder.

  - resource: 'http://hp-gateway/hp/v4/devices'
    scan_interval: 20
      - name: 'Balkontur Rollo Position'
        value_template: >-
          {% for item in value_json.devices %}
            {% if item.did == "[desired did id1]" %}
              {{ 100 - ( item.statusesMap.Position | int ) }}
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}
      - name: 'Balkonfenster Rollo Position'
        value_template: >-
          {% for item in value_json.devices %}
            {% if item.did == "[desired did id2]" %}
              {{ 100 - ( item.statusesMap.Position | int ) }}
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}


I think about buying 7 RolloTron radio swivel beltwinder (2550), so I also need to buy a gateway.

I read, that there are some issues with the Homepilot Gateway premium.
For what I understood, it is only supported without password? What does that mean in particular?

Or should I decide to buy the Rademacher Gateway instead?
There are also older version of it. Is this also 100% supported? (Smart2Smart, Gateway 2)
Or are there some disadvantages?