Rademacher Umweltsensor Variable read

Hello i am a new user on home assistant.

I want to read from my Rademacher Umweltsensor the variable Rain (Regen erkannt).

the call is

The Response is

{ “response” : “get_meter_data”, “status” : “ok”, “data”:[{“Lichtwert”:“41000 lx”},{“Windgeschw.”:“4 m/s”},{“Temperatur”:“7.5 °C”},{“Regen”:“Nicht erkannt”},{“Sonnenhöhe”:“19°”},{“Sonnenrichtung”:“Süd-Westen (237°)”},{“Aktualisiert”:“08.03.19 - 16:01”}] }

i need the variable Regen: erkannt or nicht erkannt as a sensor.

How can i with this sensor a automation example a

Lawn mower stops at rain.

Sorry for my bad english !

Your English is fine.

Something like this may work.

Hallo bosborne,

Can you give me an example for my scenario.

I am very new here, but let me try. How about this?

Example configuration.yaml entry

  - platform: rest
    name: Erkannt
    value_template: '{ value_json.erkannt}'

Hi, I think the json template is not working like that, try:

 value_template: '{ value_json.data[3].Regen}'

It will return the value of the key „Regen“ which is either „Erkannt“ or „Nicht erkannt“. This sensor can then be used as a trigger for automations.

Changed [0] to [3], thanks for the hint @anon34565116
Also added the snipped from the HA dev-template

HA dev-template:

{% set value_json = {
  "response" : "get_meter_data",
  "status" : "ok",
    {"Lichtwert":"41000 lx"},
    {"Windgeschw.":"4 m/s"},
    {"Temperatur":"7.5 °C"},
    {"Regen":"Nicht erkannt"},
    {"Sonnenrichtung":"Süd-Westen (237°)"},
    {"Aktualisiert":"08.03.19 - 16:01"}
} %}


Regen1: {{ value_json.data[3].Regen }}
Regen2: {{ value_json.data[3].Regen == "Erkannt" }}
Regen3: {{ value_json.data[3].Regen == "Nicht erkannt" }}

sensor output

Regen1: Nicht erkannt
Regen2: False
Regen3: True

Thanks for the correction.
I am not certain about the [0] part though. You can try & see which works.

When there are really only 2 distinct values (“Erkannt” vs “Nicht erkannt”) you may want to look at a binary rest sensor instead. Its value_template would be similar to the above:

value_template: “{{ value_json.data[3].Regen == ‘Erkannt’ }}”

how to make a webhook as action for example

i have in the configuration
url: ‘
url: ‘

at check the config i have errors

Only with one rest_comand it works

the automation is :
alias: robby bei regen heim
platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.regen
from: ‘off’
to: ‘on’
- service: rest_command.robby_feierabend

please help

Please provide formatted yaml, I think you need to use - if you defined multiple rest commands.

    url: ‘’
    url: ‘’

EDIT: Seems dashes are not necessary, maybe just indentation issue?

with - i have this error message

Invalid config for [rest_command]: expected dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘rest_command’]. Got [OrderedDict([(‘robby_feierabend’, None), (‘url’, ‘’)]), OrderedDict([(‘robby_auto’, None), (‘url’, ‘’)])]. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 178). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/rest_command/

Can you provide your formatted config? => image

The Problem is solved.
The formatting was the Problem.
