Radiator on and door/window open - help with multiple rooms

Hey all,
need some help, not sure if this is possible or not.
i have 10 rooms, each room has rads and doors/windows that can be opened.
i want to warn if any rad is on in a room and that rooms door/window is open - so we are not wasting energy!

ive worked this out per room, below.
however is there a better way to do this, without copying this code 10x times?

- alias: Rad On Something Open Alert - Jamie Office
  id: jamie_office_rad_door_alert
  - platform: state
    - binary_sensor.jamie_office_door_sensor_contact
    to: 'on'
      minutes: 1
  - platform: state
    - sensor.radiator_status_jamie_office
    to: 'heating'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.jamie_office_door_sensor_contact
    state: 'on'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: sensor.radiator_status_jamie_office
    state: 'heating'
  - service: persistent_notification.create
      message: "Jamie Office Door is open and the Rad is on!"
      title: Jamie Office Door open - Rad on!
  - service: notify.notify
      message: "Jamie Office Door is open and the Rad is on!"
      title: Jamie Office Door open - Rad on!
  - service: notify.alexa_media
      message: "Jamie Office Door is open and the Rad is on!"
        type: announce
        method: all
      target: media_player.jamie_s_echo_spot
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as an FYI, I saw this problem the first time you posted it and thought it was interesting so I’ve been trying to work on it off & on ever since then. And so far I haven’t had much luck. But I’m no templating guru and haven’t been successful working it out yet. I’ll definitely keep at it and if I figure anything out I’ll definitely post back.

Hopefully one of the real guru’s will be in soon and figure it out for you (and me :slightly_smiling_face:).

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I think you can add each one as a list under entity_id and the use a template for the alert message.
Let me see if I can dig out my low disk space alert, that should point you in the right direction.

- alias: 'Alert On Disk space issues via pushbullet'
  initial_state: 'on'
        - sensor.ssh_disk_used
        - sensor.jackett_disk_used
        - sensor.downloader_storage_used
        - sensor.downloader_disk_used
      above: 80
    - service: notify.james
        message: "Server {{ trigger.entity_id }} is low on space"
        title: "Disk Space Issues {{ trigger.entity_id }}"

The formatting might be little messed up as copy and pasta on my phone seems to have issues with yaml…


That’s easy if you just want a general announcement that one of the entities is a trigger.

But the problems come when you want to try to compare a specific trigger against a specific condition of a different entity.

Such as if the office door is open and the office radiator is on its a problem. But if the office door is open but only the library radiator is on then the office door being open is ok.

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I see,
If your getting to that level you might want to look at nodered, as you can start doing really crazy things there.

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Dude, check Node RED, I wasted so much time not doing that :slight_smile:

Of course it is nice to learn about YAML and HA but if you want to become effective and productive, give it a try.

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thanks man
any good places to start with node red?

A good start could be this for example:

And for more complex stuff help here in the forum is great, as usual :wink:

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AppDaemon also works really well for more compex automations.

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another idea i have had, which is maybe “easier” (as i dont know node red)…

create a seperate “group” for each combination of doors/windows & rads.
eg. “living rooms”, “bedroom”, “study” etc…
then, put all the groups withing a master “group”

trigger the condition off this group and pull out the room name from the master group, which trigger it.

this might work?

ok, i think ive got it?

first, i created a binary_sensor for all my rads, so that i know if they are on/off (the doors/windows already have this).
then i create a group for each room, which is only “on” if all rads + doors/windows are “on” (all: true). note: this doesnt take into account if you have multiple doors/windows per room at this point, so not sure what you would want to do in this situaiton?

then i created a “super group”, which has all my rooms in it.

with an auotmation now, i can get it to tell me which is on and what room.

now ive tested this a bit, but im not 100% sure if its correct?
also, once i know its working, i will set a 1min timer, so it doesnt pop if you just open a door/window quickly for whatever reason.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Radiator Boolean Jamie Office"
        value_template: '{{state_attr("climate.jamie_office","hvac_action") == "heating"}}'
        friendly_name: "Radiator Boolean B Office"
        value_template: '{{state_attr("climate.b_office","hvac_action") == "heating"}}'
        friendly_name: "Radiator Boolean en_suite"
        value_template: '{{state_attr("climate.en_suite","hvac_action") == "heating"}}'
  name: heating group jamie office 
  all: true
    - binary_sensor.mps_jamie_office_door_contact
    - binary_sensor.rad_boolean_jamie_office

  name: heating group b office 
  all: true
    - binary_sensor.mps_b_office_window_contact
    - binary_sensor.rad_b_briony_office

  name: heating group ensuite office 
  all: true
    - binary_sensor.mps_en_suite_window_contact
    - binary_sensor.rad_boolean_en_suite

  name: All Heating Groups 
    - group.heating_group_jamie_office
    - group.heating_group_b_office
    - group.heating_group_ensuite_office
- alias: rad_on_something_open_alert
  - platform: state
    - group.all_heating_groups
    to: 'on'
      #minutes: 1
  - service: persistent_notification.create
      message: "{% set open = states.group\n   |selectattr('entity_id','in',state_attr('group.all_heating_groups','entity_id'))\n\
        \   |selectattr('state','eq','on')\n   |map(attribute='name')|list %}\n{{\
        \ open|join(', ') }} {{ 'are' if open|length > 1 else 'is' }} open and \
        \ the rad is on!\n"
      title: Heating Alert!
  - service: notify.notify
      message: "{% set open = states.group\n   |selectattr('entity_id','in',state_attr('group.all_heating_groups','entity_id'))\n\
        \   |selectattr('state','eq','on')\n   |map(attribute='name')|list %}\n{{\
        \ open|join(', ') }} {{ 'are' if open|length > 1 else 'is' }} open and \
        \ the rad is on!\n"
      title: Heating Alert!

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How about a Bayesian sensor ?
That way if one item is on/true it can out weigh all the other items.
Tho I’m not sure how you could then have an alert on which one it is.

Just read that you’ve solved it.

Glad you got it working but as an unrelated question…

Did you write your templates by hand or use an editor?

I ask because if you wrote them by hand then you don’t need to put all of the newlines in there if you write them as a multi-line template. And it makes them easier to read as well.

for example you could do it like this with each section on its own line:

  message: >
    {% set open = states.group | selectattr('entity_id','in',state_attr('group.all_heating_groups','entity_id')) | selectattr('state','eq','on') | map(attribute='name') | list %}
    {{ open|join(', ') }} {{ 'are' if open|length > 1 else 'is' }} open and the rad is on!

or to make a bit more easy to read you could also do this:

  message: >
    {% set open = states.group 
      | selectattr('entity_id','in',state_attr('group.all_heating_groups','entity_id')) 
      | selectattr('state','eq','on') 
      | map(attribute='name') 
      | list %}
    {{ open|join(', ') }} {{ 'are' if open|length > 1 else 'is' }} open and the rad is on!

thanks for the tip
wrote everything by hand.

what editor would you recommend?

I personally use Notepad++.

I’ve heard VSCode is good and it has a HA plugin for autocomplete using HA entities and a yaml syntax highlighter.

what editor would you recommend?

If you’re using hassio I really recommend the IDE Cloud 9 addon. Built in SSH terminal, flexible layouts, image previewer, YAML highlighting. I can use it from work where I can’t install any other software.

I used to use VSCode on Windows, it’s very good too. Really bummed it doesn’t run on a RPi. Notepad++ is really decent too. Nice and lightweight. Very fast.

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Thanks for your great solution.
Just FYI, I’ve done the same but I’ve created a binary sensor for each room that includes all the windows & doors of that room, so my heating_group (actually, AC_group) includes the binary sensor of the AC + the binary sensor of the room open/close status…
So I’ve got:
room open binary_sensor (all windows & doors for that room)
ac_boolean binary_sensor (like you did)
ac_room group (the room open + ac_boolean for the room, on only if all are on)
all_ac_groups (like you did)
Works like a charm, so thank you very much :slight_smile:

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there could be a way to avoid the groups.
Have a look at What the heck it is not possible to use area in automations and vote. :wink:

Nice! Can you share your yaml as an example please!?