Radio streaming in TV Samsung using Radio Browser

I am using Radio Browser and I would like to play the radio in TV Samsung (using Samsung integration). I choose TV Samsung as a target and nothing happens.

When I chose web browser or another target like google Chromecast connected to another TV then it works. I also tried using automation but the action also doesn’t work:

  - service: media_player.play_media
      media_content_id: media-source://radio_browser/8c5750b4-6870-11ea-9d09-52543be04c81
      enqueue: play
      media_content_type: audio/mpeg
        - media_player.tv_samsung_7_series_65

When I stream music or video on Samsung TV from my mobile phone there is no problem and everything plays in TV.
Any idea what can be the problem?

I have my samsung setup as a dlna renderer and got it to work but only if the radio station is reachable, else it will do nothing, check the logs

service: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.tv_samsung_9_series_65
  media_content_id: media-source://radio_browser/960aa046-0601-11e8-ae97-52543be04c81
  media_content_type: audio/mpeg

Thank you for your feedback. Good news to know that it can work. Can you please advise me how you set up the DLNA Digital Media Renderer?


So, HA detected this by itself for as far as I remember (>1y ago)
the settings from config_entries (.storage) show me this, hope this helps

        "entry_id": "aa319d1acfe6553a3da30cf08953d2c7",
        "version": 1,
        "domain": "dlna_dmr",
        "title": "[TV] Samsung 9 Series (65)",
        "data": {
          "url": "",
          "device_id": "uuid:02dxxxxxxx_and more xxxxx",
          "type": "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1"
        "options": {
          "listen_port": null,
          "callback_url_override": null,
          "poll_availability": true,
          "browse_unfiltered": false

Unfortunately no success. I have read in documentation that url and port should be set automatically (as you wrote). I have tried several settings but still the same problem. I don’t know what url and port should be set there. Thank you anyway.

I just tried on my dev (docker) setup without detection… and using:
This worked
As they are of the same brand, possibly you only need to adjust the IP

and btw…the TV must be ON when you enter the URL

I have tried:

but still no success. When I checked DLNA Digital Media Renderer device I can see that TV is idle (same as before when “Event listener callback URL” was empty).

Probably a problem with communication between DLNA Digital Media Renderer integration and TV. No info in LOG.

I finally managed to get the radio working on the TV using Music Assistant.

action: mass.play_media
  device_id: f07782a68de79c354743438870cf5590

Unfortunately, the playback was unstable – it worked one day but not the next. There were also issues with switching stations. In the end, I gave up and got a Google Chromecast 4, where playing with Music Assistant works without any issues.