Radio Thermostat CT101 Fan control

I’m using Radio Thermostat CT101 with rpi3 home assistant hub that has aeotec z-stick running z-wave js + zwavejs2mqtt. I get temp and humidity values and I can set the target temperature. In the zwavejs2mqtt control panel I can see Thermostat Fan State and Thermostat Fan Mode. I’m trying to figure out a way to control the fan from home assistant - in other words change fan state from off to on and on to off (Fan mode shows auto and low as its options). Right now the fan goes on & off when the furnace/ac kick on/off (Auto). I would like that behavior to continue however sometimes I just want to turn the fan on and off manually independent of furnace/ac. Any advice would be appreciated.

Sorry I can’t help with the fan update… But how did you get it to report Humidity?

in zwave2mqtt I can see the temp and humidity values