Rain bird Wifi Sprinkler (irrigation) system custom schedule

I just installed Rain bird WIFI stick in my house for lawn sprinkler system and I wanted to know if Hass.io can be used to run the following custom program.

So the idea is to don’t run the zone 1 at 6:00 am today (for 10 minutes) if one of the condition is met.

• Is the day of the year between January to March?
• Is the day of the year between September to December?
• Is it going to rain today?
• Will it rain tomorrow (today date + 1)?
• Did it rain yesterday (today date – 1)?
• Did that zone 1 was turned on yesterday (today date -1)?
• Did that zone 1 was turned on day before yesterday (today date – 2)?

I would appreciate any help i can get. Thanks in advance.