Rain notifier

Hi! Does anyone know a service that can notify when rain is expected in a specified time? I mean, there are several weather radars out there (I live in Italy) and would be nice if I can be advised when rain is coming closer to my location. I would not rely on weather forecast… I guess for this application radar’s information should be more accurate over short time (say 5…30 minutes).

But there is no HA integration (or API as far as I can tell).

Thanks for sharing this website.

Too bad that it does not cover central Italy!!!

I wrote to the developer of the Rain Alarm website: he said he doesn’t want to provide any API, right now.
So we need to find another service :wink:

Hey everybody,

any news on this?

I would love to use something like rain alarm as well.

Maybe there is some meteoradar with API what we can connect and set up location?

Or rain alarm mentioned here before?

Does anybody made any progress? Thanks for sharing.
