Rain radar integrations

Strange. It works for me and I have no subscription. That said, it geolocates to my IP address.

Search config-template.

config-template does not find anything.
Is there something wrong with mu HACS installation?
“config” finds 7 items.



I couldn’t get your card to work. After some research, the custom:hui-iframe-card no longer exists, you have to replace it with custom:hui-element and define the card type iFrame.

type: custom:config-template-card
  - sensor.iphone_de_michel_geocoded_location
  type: custom:hui-element
  card_type: iframe
  title: null
  url: >-
  aspect_ratio: 135%
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With thanks to @afxefx for the inspiration, I took the following as a challenge to myself.

Edit: Updated YAML to display radar and lightning. The animation covers a 6-hr period.
Edit 2: I was successful in getting it to work with the Manual UI card. YAML has been updated with appropriate indenting.
Edit 3: Removed unnecessary YAML content.

Make sure the config-template-card is properly configured. When you download it with HACS, the resource file will be in directory /config/www/community/config-template-card, and the file should be referenced to look for the resource file at URL: /hacsfiles/config-template-card/config-template-card.js. If the resource for the config-template-card can’t be found, it’s likely the resource file isn’t properly configured.

If you have problems, look here for tips: https://github.com/thomasloven/hass-config/wiki/Lovelace-Plugins

The rest should be easy if you have an iPhone (For an Andoroid, look at Rain radar integrations - #17 by afxefx for YAML guidance). This following is what works for me (I used the default iPhone entity and attributes), but it can be tweaked if you’re willing to experiment.

type: custom:config-template-card
  - states['device_tracker.iphone']
  type: iframe
  title: Windy Radar
  url: >-
  aspect_ratio: 135%

The aspect_ratio can be changed per your preference.