Random Hue and Saturation using input_number and ranges

So here is the idea: I have splash lights through the home that change color for every motion detected in different areas of the home. During the day, I would like low saturations, producing color pastel lights. At night, higher saturation of colors.

alias: ""
    - "{{ range("{{ states('input_number.color_hue_range_low') | int(0) }}","{{ states('input_number.color_hue_range_high') | int(0) }}")|random }}"
    - "{{ range("{{ states('input_number.color_saturation_range_low') | int(0) }}","{{ states('input_number.color_saturation_range_high') | int(0) }}")|random }}"
  brightness: 255
  transition: 0
service: light.turn_on
    - light.office_nw_tall_side_lamp

I created four input_numbers:
The hue is from 0 to 360.
The saturation is 0 to 100.

Throughout the day, I just want to set the hue and saturation to ranges that can be changed. Instead of using sunset and sunrise for each light, I just want to change the values that all lights follow.

The way I had it for day:

    - "{{ range(360)|random }}"
    - "{{ range(25,70)|random }}"

The way I had it for night:

    - "{{ range(360)|random }}"
    - "{{ range(90,100)|random }}"

Each light changes to random colors every time motion is detected. I have to use sunset and sunrise conditions. But if I decided to change the range of saturation from 90,100 to 80,100, I would have to edit every single light individually. What I want is to simply adjust the input_number as shown in the above graphic and all lights will follow it. Then I can adjust one automation to change the input_numbers.

Is the following an effective way because it is not working. I know why though, it is the “quotes” within “quotes”.

I added " and ’ as well and it is not doing what I want it to do. What is the best way to set this?

I found it in case someone wants to use it.

alias: ""
    - "{{ range(states('input_number.color_hue_range_low') | int(0), states('input_number.color_hue_range_high') | int(0)) | random }}"
    - "{{ range(states('input_number.color_saturation_range_low') | int(0), states('input_number.color_saturation_range_high') | int(0)) | random }}"
  brightness: 255
  transition: 1
service: light.turn_on
    - light.office_nw_tall_side_lamp

I went with this. So now, I have control of the range of hue and saturation network wide, and brightness. I have two for brightness, low and high. This works great. I used Bing AI Chat to produce this. Amazing.

alias: ""
    - "{{ range(states('input_number.central_color_hue_range_low') | int(0), states('input_number.central_color_hue_range_high') | int(0)) | random }}"
    - "{{ range(states('input_number.central_color_saturation_range_low') | int(0), states('input_number.central_color_saturation_range_high') | int(0)) | random }}"
  brightness: "{{ states('input_number.central_light_brightness_high') | int(0) }}"
  transition: 5
service: light.turn_on
    - light.office_nw_tall_side_lamp