Random LED Driver

Hi, does sombody have experience with this LED Controller? I´ve got 3 of them in a ceiling lamp and would like to connect it to home assistant.

After looking around I only found them on this random Website: https://www.zipy.co.il/p/אליאקספרס/intelligent-led-driver-sf-20-40w-x2-80w-sf-30-50w-x2-100w-sf-40-60w-x2-120w-app-and-2-4g-remote-control-led-transformer/1005003417967049/

Does someone already have experience with this controller or can someone recommend a controller that I could replace them with?

Thanks ahead,

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Interested in the same! Did you figure anything out?

I have a lamp with a very similar looking remote. Since there’s also an Android app to control the light my guess is that it does that over Bluetooth.

In my case, one channel of the LED driver failed after only about a month and I now need to to get the LED driver replaced. Still looking for good alternatives (Zigbee??). It’s a 250mA driver that runs at 120V DC. Something not very common outside cheap Chinese lamps.

Before the LED driver failed my plan was to do something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIBmiPtCDdM
Reverse engineer the BT protocol by sniffing the commands from the Android app. But I didn’t get too it soon enough.