Hi, I’m using a script to play a cartoons playlist for my kid like this:
- service: media_player.play_media
entity_id: media_player.libreelec
media_content_type: DIRECTORY
media_content_id: special://profile/playlists/video/krtek.m3u
mode: single
How do I make this so it plays a random episode?
The content is on my Syno NAS, so not local. The path is
smb://SYNO.local/Public/Video/Pohadky/Krtek (1957)
The files are all in one folder, so maybe I could play that instead of the M3U playlist. AFAIK I had this working before but I can’t find out how, even with searching this forum. I’m seeing local-only solutions. Another issue is for specific reason, these files are NOT in the Kodi library (I access them via Kodi’s File browser, not the Movies/TV SHows views), so they cannot be added in Smart playlists.
Documentation for Kodi integration in HA focuses solely on music for some reason.
Tips? Thanks!