I use TTS on speakers when my wife comes home, for example. This outputs random sentences from a selection. Actually, I want to use Alexa for this, but the integration is not as reliable as I would like it to be and has to be reconfigured more often (hence separate speakers).
service: tts.cloud_say
message: >
'{{ ["Hello, have you gained weight?", "Welcome back!", "Hey, glad you're here!", "What are you doing here again?", "I guess that's the wife that's back.", "wife's here, the silence is over.", "Yoo-hoo, she's back. I'm so happy!"] | random }}'
entity_id: >-
Now, however, I have discovered Voice Monkey, with which I can very reliably announce sentences via Alexa. But unfortunately only one predefined in each case.
url: https://api.voicemonkey.io/trigger
method: POST
verify_ssl: true
content_type: 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
payload: !secret monkeyechodotbathroomrain
monkeyechodotbathroomrain: '{"access_token":"xxxxxx","secret_token":"xxxxxx","monkey":"monkeyechodotbathroom","announcement":"It's raining"}'
Is there a way to get Home Assistant to output a random phrase from Voice Monkey in this case as well?