Random Trigger Time not working

Could somebody help me out with the following and why I get an error trying to create a random off time

- alias: Turn Off TV Simulator at random time
  initial_state: true
    platform: time
    at: "00:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00"
    service: switch.turn_off
    - switch.sonoff_socket_6
  id: turntvsimulatoroffontimer

What error?

I’m guessing it’s because you’ve put in a template somewhere it’s not supported, but without the actual error, we’re just guessing…

It doesn’t get past the config checker

Well this will never work.
You are asking it to generate a random time AND fire at that time that it just generated (every minute)
So the chances of it actually being that time when the clock changes every minute is 1 in 60 for each minute.
But you are not actually passing a datetime value
What you need to do is generate a number at (say) 00:00 (midnight) or better still at 23:59 and then store that in an input_datetime location then feed that location to your trigger and Robert Is your Avuncular Relative
Read up on input_datetime and trigger templates

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You definitely cannot use a template in the time trigger’s at parameter.

I’d do something like the following. (In fact, I have many automations that do this sort of thing.)

- alias: Turn Off TV Simulator at random time
  initial_state: true
    platform: time
    at: '00:00:00'
  - delay: "{{ (range(0, 60+1) | random) * 60 }}"
  - service: switch.turn_off
    - switch.sonoff_socket_6
  id: turntvsimulatoroffontimer

Note that “range(x, y) | random” returns a random value between x and y-1. So:

delay: "{{ (range(0, 60+1) | random) * 60 }}"

Gets a random number from 0 to 60 (i.e., minutes), multiplies it by 60 (to get seconds), and then delays that number of seconds. I.e., it delays a random number of minutes from 0 to 60. Or to get a random number of seconds from 0 to the number of seconds in 60 minutes:

delay: "{{ range(0, 60*60+1) | random }}"

I understand now…Thanks Guys for all your invaluable help…
I will insert the delay timer now @pnbruckner and see how that works…