"Range" helper

I’m looking to define a “comfort temperature” range that I can then reuse in templates / automations etc.

I would like to set a range (min / max), like one sets a “number” helper, but can’t find such option, as all the existing ones are associate to a sensor.

Is there any more elegant way than defining variables (and possibly a function) in the yaml configuration, or 2 numbers (which is an issue since there would be no constraint that min <= max)?


Don’t know if this will help, but…
When my daughter housesits, she will set the thermostat all over the place. 55°F when it’s warm outside and 85°F in the winter. What I did was to write two automations. If the thermostat is set below 70°F for ten minutes, the automation sets it back to 72°F. Simerly if the heat is set above 77°F for more than ten minutes, the automation sets it back to 75°F.

She hasn’t caught on yet…

I have ventilation with heat recovery + AC, so want to do something “smart”, where the heat recovery of the ventilation is switched on if it would help maintaining a comfort temperature.
I would need to compare the inside (of each room, since I can set the heat recovery per room) and outside temperatures to the “comfort temperature”, e.g.

If inside > comfort temperature and outside < inside then no heat recovery
If inside is comfort temperature and outside outside comfort temperature then heat recovery


It may be overkill, but what about setting up a ha-dual-smart-thermostat connected to dummy switches / sensors as necessary? That gets you a decent UI component to adjust the range too.

(Note I’ve never actually used this card. I just know of it as a potential replacement for the old dual-thermostat card.)