Raspbee not updating "could not sync with bootloader"


I’m in the process of trying to setup deconz with a raspbee on RPi4 but when I try to update the firmware in deconz I immediately get an error, I have tried to manually installing it following this procedure:

and I get the following:

GCFFlasher V3_05 (c) dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh
Reboot device RaspBee (RaspBee)
action: reset device RaspBee
action: update firmware after 2 ms
could not sync with bootloader

I can see other people with the same setup are encountering the same issue but I am yet to find a fix anywhere, what can I do to get unstuck?

Thank you!

Not really a solution to your problem, just an info. USB 3.0 can cause interference with the ZigBee network and you may run into troubles later due to this, like devices getting unavailable or the network going down (had the same issues). Therfore I suggest buying the ConBee2 Stick and put it on an USB 2 extension cord.

Interesting, I did manage to pair it with some lights and it was working although admittedly it had a somewhat slow responsiveness which I put down to the firmware issue, is this a problem regardless of whether or not there are any devices plugged into the USB 3.0 ports?

Don’t know if the slow responsiveness is related to this. I also don’t know if anything needs to be connected to cause interference, I only know I had nothing connected to any USB 3.0 port and an extension cord solvef the issue, however could also be that there were other close devices that caused the interference.

Intel wrote an article about the USB 3.0 ZigBee interference, in case you are interested.

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So a quick update as I am still trying to work this out:

I updated the host OS as I realised I was still on 3.5, that is now up to 3.7; this didn’t change much although the update behaviour in deconz changed slightly in that rather than failing immediately it looks like the firmware update runs successfully only for the GUI to say “not connected” next to firmware after that, it eventually just goes back to the old firmware.

I also tried running the upgrade following this method:

Only to be presented with the following:

Device: /dev/ttyAMA0
Firmware File: deCONZ_Rpi_0x26330500.bin.GCF
Are the above device and firmware values correct?
Enter Y to proceed, any other entry to exit: Y
/usr/bin/GCFFlasher_internal.bin: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by /usr/lib/libwiringPi.so)
Flashing Error! Please re-run this script...

Someone in this thread reported that wiringpi might need updating, but I don’t know how to do that in Hassio:

Really starting to lose hope here, could my raspbee be defective? :face_with_head_bandage:

Did you install hass.io on top of another linux or did you use the pre-built image with HassOS?

Hello, it’s a pre-built image with Hass OS on raspberry pi 4

Hopefully this is allowed, I’ve tried more troubleshooting with little success but thought an update might be useful for posterity? :slight_smile:

I’ve tried with a fresh install of HassOS on a new SD card and completely new instance of home assistant with only configurator and SSHserver installed just to make sure to avoid any conflict with any add-on and after installing deconz I have experienced the exact same behaviour!

Now looking at the add-on logs I can see at start up that the raspbee is recognised (although I am not sure why it comes up in the log more than once:

starting version 232
[09:24:31] INFO: Waiting for device...
[09:24:31] INFO: Starting VNC server...
[09:24:35] INFO: Starting the deCONZ gateway...
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to open swrast (search paths /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri:${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri)
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to open swrast (search paths /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri:${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri)
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
[09:24:35] INFO: Starting Nginx...
[09:24:35] INFO: Running Hass.io discovery task...
[09:24:35] INFO: Running the deCONZ OTA updater...
2020/01/04 09:24:35 [notice] 342#342: using the "epoll" event method
2020/01/04 09:24:35 [notice] 342#342: nginx/1.10.3
2020/01/04 09:24:35 [notice] 342#342: OS: Linux 4.19.88-v7l
2020/01/04 09:24:35 [notice] 342#342: getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE): 1048576:1048576
2020/01/04 09:24:35 [notice] 342#342: start worker processes
2020/01/04 09:24:35 [notice] 342#342: start worker process 352
[09:24:35] INFO: Running the IKEA OTA updater...
[09:24:35] INFO: deCONZ is set up and running!
[09:24:46] INFO: Successfully send discovery information to Home Assistant.
09:24:35:677 HTTP Server listen on address, port: 40850, root: /usr/share/deCONZ/webapp/
09:24:35:780 CTRL. 3.16.209:24:35:880 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
09:24:35:880 COM: /dev/ttyAMA0 / serialno: 
09:24:35:880 COM: --dev: /dev/ttyAMA0 (RaspBee)
09:24:35:881 ZCLDB init file /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/zcldb.txt
09:24:36:015 parent process bash
09:24:36:015 gw run mode: docker/hassio
09:24:36:015 GW sd-card image version file does not exist: /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/gw-version
09:24:36:015 sd-card cid: 1b534d454231515430ffffffff012900
09:24:36:017 DB sqlite version 3.16.2
09:24:36:019 DB PRAGMA page_count: 30
09:24:36:019 DB PRAGMA page_size: 4096
09:24:36:019 DB PRAGMA freelist_count: 0
09:24:36:019 DB file size 122880 bytes, free pages 0
09:24:36:019 DB PRAGMA user_version: 6
09:24:36:019 DB cleanup
09:24:36:019 DB create temporary views
09:24:36:027 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:24:36:028 started websocket server at port 8081
09:24:36:033 found node plugin: libde_rest_plugin.so - REST API Plugin
09:24:36:035 found node plugin: libde_signal_plugin.so - Signal Monitor Plugin
09:24:37:178 found node plugin: libstd_otau_plugin.so - STD OTAU Plugin
09:24:37:205 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
09:24:37:205 COM: /dev/ttyAMA0 / serialno: 
09:24:37:205 COM: --dev: /dev/ttyAMA0 (RaspBee)
09:24:37:280 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
09:24:37:280 COM: /dev/ttyAMA0 / serialno: 
09:24:37:280 COM: --dev: /dev/ttyAMA0 (RaspBee)
09:24:37:353 Device firmware version 0x26050500
09:24:37:366 unlocked max nodes: 200
09:24:37:562 Device protocol version: 0x0103
09:24:37:583 new node - ext: 0x00212effff040f3d, nwk: 0x0000
09:24:37:638 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:24:37:639 LightNode 2: Color temperature light 2 added
09:24:37:652 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:24:37:652 LightNode 1: Bedroom Main added
09:24:37:671 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:24:37:671 LightNode 3: Color temperature light 3 added
09:24:37:697 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
09:24:37:697 LightNode 4: MINIONS added
09:24:37:869 Current channel 15
09:24:37:913 CTRL ANT_CTRL 0x03
09:24:37:990 Device protocol version: 0x0103
09:24:38:129 Current channel 15
09:24:38:173 CTRL ANT_CTRL 0x03
09:24:41:341 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
09:24:41:341 GW update firmware found: /usr/share/deCONZ/firmware/deCONZ_Rpi_0x26330500.bin.GCF
09:24:41:341 GW firmware version: 0x26050500
09:24:41:342 GW firmware version shall be updated to: 0x26330500
09:24:42:116 Announced to internet http://dresden-light.appspot.com/discover
09:24:42:116 discovery server date: Sat, 04 Jan 2020 09:24:42 GMT
09:24:42:116 	 local time seems to be ok
09:24:42:116 discovery found version 2.04.35 for update channel stable
09:24:45:983 New websocket (state: 3) 
09:24:59:223 rule event: /groups/1 state/any_on num (0 -> 1)
09:25:00:115 Bind response success for 0xd0cf5efffec2ed05 cluster 0x0000
09:25:00:270 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 213 0xD0CF5EFFFEC2ED05 for cluster 0x0000 attr 0x4000 status 0x00
09:25:00:412 Bind response success for 0xd0cf5efffec2ed05 cluster 0x0006
09:25:00:546 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 215 0xD0CF5EFFFEC2ED05 for cluster 0x0006 attr 0x0000 status 0x00
09:25:00:680 Bind response success for 0xd0cf5efffec2ed05 cluster 0x0008
09:25:00:680 skip configure report for cluster: 0x0008 attr: 0x0000 of node 0xD0CF5EFFFEC2ED05 (wait reading or unsupported)
09:25:01:750 Bind response success for 0xd0cf5efffec2ed05 cluster 0x0300
09:25:01:750 skip configure report for cluster: 0x0300 attr: 0x0003 of node 0xD0CF5EFFFEC2ED05 (wait reading or unsupported)
09:25:01:750 skip configure report for cluster: 0x0300 attr: 0x0004 of node 0xD0CF5EFFFEC2ED05 (wait reading or unsupported)
09:25:01:878 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 219 0xD0CF5EFFFEC2ED05 for cluster 0x0300 attr 0x0007 status 0x00
09:25:01:878 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 219 0xD0CF5EFFFEC2ED05 for cluster 0x0300 attr 0x0008 status 0x00
09:25:18:064 Bind response success for 0x000d6ffffeda2a22 cluster 0x0000

Although when starting the update (via the webGUI) the connection to the raspbee seems to fail for a long time until it eventually reappears with the old firmware still installed.

09:21:23:011 GW firmware start update (device not connected)
09:21:23:218 void zmMaster::handleStateIdle(zmMaster::MasterEvent) not connected goto OFF state
09:21:24:218 device state timeout ignored in state 5
09:21:24:343 GW firmware update exit code 255
09:21:24:996 wait reconnect 15 seconds
09:21:25:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:25:996 wait reconnect 14 seconds
09:21:26:002 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:26:996 wait reconnect 13 seconds
09:21:27:002 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:27:996 wait reconnect 12 seconds
09:21:28:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:28:996 wait reconnect 11 seconds
09:21:29:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:29:996 wait reconnect 10 seconds
09:21:30:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:30:996 wait reconnect 9 seconds
09:21:31:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:31:995 wait reconnect 8 seconds
09:21:32:002 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:32:995 wait reconnect 7 seconds
09:21:33:002 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:33:995 wait reconnect 6 seconds
09:21:34:002 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:34:535 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
09:21:34:996 wait reconnect 5 seconds
09:21:35:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:35:996 wait reconnect 4 seconds
09:21:36:002 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:36:996 wait reconnect 3 seconds
09:21:37:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:38:004 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:38:995 wait reconnect 1 seconds
09:21:39:002 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:40:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:41:002 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:42:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:43:005 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:44:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:45:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:46:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:47:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:48:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:49:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:50:002 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:51:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:52:004 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:53:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:54:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:55:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:56:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:57:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:58:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:21:59:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:00:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:01:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:02:004 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:03:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:04:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:05:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:06:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:07:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:08:002 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:09:002 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:10:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:11:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:12:005 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:13:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:14:005 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:15:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:16:004 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:17:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:18:004 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:19:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:20:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:21:004 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:22:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:23:004 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:24:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:25:004 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:26:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:27:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:28:004 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:29:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:30:002 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:31:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:32:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:33:004 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:34:004 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:35:004 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:36:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:37:004 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:38:002 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:39:003 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:39:996 Wait reconnect after firmware update
09:22:41:996 wait reconnect 15 seconds
09:22:42:996 wait reconnect 14 seconds
09:22:43:996 wait reconnect 13 seconds
09:22:44:996 wait reconnect 12 seconds
09:22:45:995 wait reconnect 11 seconds
09:22:46:996 wait reconnect 10 seconds
09:22:47:996 wait reconnect 9 seconds
09:22:48:996 wait reconnect 8 seconds
09:22:49:996 wait reconnect 7 seconds
09:22:50:996 wait reconnect 6 seconds
09:22:51:996 wait reconnect 5 seconds
09:22:52:996 wait reconnect 4 seconds
09:22:53:996 wait reconnect 3 seconds
09:22:54:996 wait reconnect 2 seconds
09:22:55:996 wait reconnect 1 seconds
09:22:56:032 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
09:22:56:032 COM: /dev/ttyAMA0 / serialno: 
09:22:56:032 COM: --dev: /dev/ttyAMA0 (RaspBee)
09:22:56:101 Device firmware version 0x26050500
09:22:56:116 unlocked max nodes: 200

There’s probably something very obvious I’m missing due to inexperience here but I’ve run out of talent to fix this, I don’t usually like to do this but I’ve ordered a conbee (which I’m going to use with a USB extension as recommended by @Burningstone) and return the raspbee and hope I’ll have better luck. Alas, I have learned a lot trying to fix this!

Apologies for the long log files but I thought leaving them here could be useful in the future if anyone else will experience the same issue!

I suppose no luck still? I have the same issue, opened a ticket with Dresden Elektronik support, their suggestions so far haven’t worked out :frowning:

Did you replace the raspbee with Conbee in the end?

Hi There! Sorry for the delay, yes, I ended up returning the shield and getting a raspbee that pretty much worked out of the box!

Sorry I cant help much more!