Raspberry pi 3 and iMac how to find configuration.yaml

Raspberry Pi 3

I installed the software via the automatic install.
Home automation is accessible via my browser. It sees my Philips Hue.
I now want to add my Zwave. Where do I find the configuration file configuration.yaml?
Tutorial: The Home Assistant configuration is located at /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant
How do I access that and how can I edit the files?

You can use ssh from your iMac to access the Pi3 using the pi user and raspberry as the password.

You have several ways to do it…

You can use Terminal on the Mac (or any third party SSH / Terminal program) and remote access your Pi. You could then use vi or nano to edit the config files.

Or you can set up a SAMBA share on the Pi, connect via SAMBA to your Pi and edit the files with an editor like Atom on the Mac.

Just found this thread: