Raspberry PI 3 => bluetooth => Alexa Speaker = TTS from home assistant

Hi All,

I have a problem with connecting my Raspberry Pi 3 with bluetooth to my Alexa echo dot speaker.
Connected to the Echo dot there is a speaker system with 3,5 mm jack,

If i connect my Windows 10 pc to Alexa with bluetooth i can play music, it works fine.

But if i try to connect my Raspberry Pi3 to the alexa speaker, the raspberry has connecting for a short time, then the connection drops. I have try many this to fix it, but nothing is working.

Is there anyone else that have the same problems?

If it is working, then i can use the bluetooth connection, from de rpi / HA to the Alexa speaker voor TTS notify.

I tried a similar way, but did not succeed yet either (due to different reasons though). For me HA is running on a different machine, so I want the same thing, but the rpi is running mpd or another media player (which is a bit overkill, but as I said, I also did not figure it out completely yet).

Regarding your problem: Are you using Jesse with Bluez5 and pulseaudio? I have the same issue, I need to connect the echo twice to the raspberry by using the bluetoothctl. The first time it is connected as source instead of as sink.
So the echo thinks that the rpi is a bluetooth speaker to which it can send audio.
You can check that using pavucontrol.

I am able to play sounds using the rpi with aplay, but I did not manage yet to have mpd accessing the bluetooth speaker.

Thanks for your anser Daenny. Yes is use Jesse with Bluez5 and pulseaudio.
Maybe the problem is that alexa see it as a speaker. That is a good one. I will check it in the evening.
I let you know. Thanks for the help.

And i can find pavucontrol in the menu of the raspberry pi?

Yes, i have check this on the Raspberry.
In pavucontrol, the echo is on the tab, input. But i think it must be at output, because i want use it as a speaker.
I can change it to Sink, so that is working, but after a short time, alexa still dropping the connection.

Is it correct that rasp see it as input? Of not, how can i change it? By the tab output i can’t select the alexa echo.

In the last tab in pavucontrol, there is a configuration tab. You see probably Echo-XX-Source as selected, there you can select Echo-XX-Sink. Afterwards, I needed to reconnect and then it worked for me. This is definitely not the best solution, but at least you can test if the bluetooth output works for you.

Thanks, i will try it in the evening, what you say: change it and then reconnect.