I have received the new raspberry 3 + board and try to install the HomeAssistant with hass.io setup but only the red led flashes on the board.
What is different from the other boards who are working?
The board is not yet supported.
A newer image for the Raspberry Pi3 B+ is on its way!
I have the utmost respect for developers, so I don’t what this to come across as a request for a completion date.
I just decided to switch to HASS from SmartThings and, like an idiot, am doing my research after diving in! So I have a 3B+ on the way, and just figured out that it won’t run Hass io (yet). I was looking for a little guidance on whether I should proceed with a Hassbian install or wait for Hass io compatibility. If Hass io compatibility is just around the corner, than I don’t mind waiting since I have a working Home Automation system currently with ST. Or perhaps migrating from Hassbian to Hass io is easier than I think?
Thanks for any replies. Again, not looking for a date. “Soon” or “Awhile” would be more than enough.
P.S. Had to remove the "."s since I can’t post links
you could install hassbian or if you go into chat, Dale3h was looking for someone to test the new install on a pi3b+
I’ll give him a buzz, thanks!
I did the exact same thing (Switch from ST to HASS, ordering a 3B+), just a week earlier.
I decided to use Hassbian in the mean time and it works very well. The configuration should be transferable whenever hass.io is released so the time with Hassbian is still well spent.
Yes, dale3h was kind enough to share an install script of hassio on raspbian stretch for the 3B+. https://github.com/dale3h/hassio-installer/
It sounds like official support probably isn’t too far off either.
@frenck the pull request you referenced is merged to the master branch.
Shouldn’t that mean that Hassio is ready for the new RPi?
I’m not sure about the current status. There is a GitHub issue going on about this, maybe check that for updates.