Raspberry pi 3 limit

As I get more involved with what HA can do and adding more components I notice that my raspi3 is running slower and I seem to have to reboot every few days if not daily. Am I getting to the limit of the raspi3 or is it an issue with the latest updates?

What happens that makes you need to reboot?

I am running a PI3 and have quite a few components and have seen stability issues where the UI and API will become unresponsive but the rest of the system (automations, events etc.) are working fine. I am wondering if the new Web component will help with this.

Apart from the issue above, the PI itself has been very stable, and I havent seen any indications of stress in CPU, memory etc.

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My experience mirrors Andrew’s; the only issue I’ve been having lately is trouble restarting HA sometimes. I’m still doing a lot of config work and sometimes it won’t shut down and restart HA.

Maybe it’s the UI becoming unresponsive instead of the actual raspi. When I “have” to reboot it’s because when I go to the ip address it shows that the webpage is down. It seems to happen more often so I wasn’t sure if it was the limitations of the computer or HASS. If it’s the HASS I won’t worry about.


Next time it happens restart HA rather than rebooting to see if it fixes the issue - then you’ll know if it is a hass issue. When I have seen this in the past, I have sometimes seen hangs of the webpage rather than refused connections.

I have over 100 different items I’m looking at (lights, locks, thermostats, sensors, etc) with over 600 lines of automation polices. Broken into 5 pages and several unique groups on the frontend. I am integrated with multiple other technologies and my Pi3 has no problem keeping up. The biggest issues I’ve had (other than myself!) is with network latency. I see things fail when latency goes up.

I think I spoke too soon… HA is now not responsive, even after a reboot. It works for a few minutes, then I can’t refresh or log in. Nothing in the logs showing any errors, in fact the log is still updating showing that HA is running. But I can’t get the web interface to load.

I did a restart of HA from the CLI and it was accessible for a bit but then dropped off again. What I’ve noticed is that the first time I hit my home page, I see all my cameras and everything fine. Go to my weather page, which also has cameras, and they all show fine. But when I go back to the home page, none of the camera images are there. The cards are there, but no images. And once the images are gone, if I logout from the page, I cannot log back in.

This literally just started happening today - any ideas?

That’s pretty much the same issue I was having. Although it doesn’t currently seem to be an issue today.

Do you think it’s worth my posting an issue in GitHub? Everything was fine and now I can’t even log in, though HA seems to be happily appending the log as if nothing is happening…

I have had situations after I have restarted HA a lot where it requires a reboot. Possibly some kind of resource leakage over HA restarts?

I’m going to try another reboot and I’ll let you know in a few minutes.

EDIT: And just like that, it’s gone and everything seems to be working again!

I’ll check back in again in about an hour or so and update everyone. Wierd!

I would try doing a sudo reboot in Putty or other terminal to get a full reboot and hopefully that will fix the issue.

Yeah that was what I was doing all along, but I did a few HA restarts to help with the diagnostics in this thread. Funny thing was even the reboots weren’t helping until the last one.

I’m about to head out for a bit, but HA’s web interface is still responsive at the moment. Have to head out of state for a quick errand but when I return I will check back in with status.

Hopefully it was a short term bug that has worked itself out…

Well, back from PA and everything is still up, running and responsive. Not sure what all that was before, but I’m starting to wonder if my Pi is getting too warm. Until I rig up a case fan for it, I think I might have to open the case up and see if that makes any difference. I have heat sinks, but that might not be enough.

Are you connecting your Rpi over Wifi?

I had similar issues with RPi 3 over Wifi but once I connected it via LAN it became very stable.

Yes, it is on Wifi - but it has been more stable as far as responding to restart requests lately.

But I did buy a cheap USB desk fan and have it aimed at the Pi so that may have some effect.

I purchased a switch that comes in today and will hook up directly to LAN instead over wifi. I also ended up breaking up my configuration.yaml file and that seems to help as well.

I hooked my raspi to ethernet, how do you turn the wifi off?
