New install on Raspberry Pi 3B+ connected via ethernet port works fine. When I go and configure wifi, everything works, EXCEPT the Supervisor menu! Just sits and spins - no errors on screen. After wifi is enabled and reboot, I can configure automations, add new devices, everything else works but I can’t access the Supervisor menu. Same on my ipad and iphone - supervisor menu just spins. I also tried different web browser and cleared cache, etc just to make sure. If I reset network back to ethernet with the following HA console command - Supervisor menu works again.
rm -r /mnt/overlay/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections
I have also tried the USB WIFI boot method - but can not get it to boot to wifi – always boots to ethernet.
I learned some more nmcli commands and was able to do a fresh install of hassio, left it disconnected from ethernet and perform the folllowing steps to get it boot from wifi as its first network connection. But guess what – still same issue - Supervisor menu just spins and spins. Everything else works fine.
# nmcli device wifi connect "linksys"
# nmcli con show
# nmcli connection delete "HassOS default"
# mcli con show
# ip addr show
Any ideas – how have others gotten wifi to work on a Raspberry Pi 3.
This is the image I am using to flash:
Thanks - Adrian!